[12:23] Heath Homewood: I might not last long but boy would that be a fun fifteen minutes
[22:36] Morgdah Graves: good night lex
[22:36] Morgdah Graves: remember
[22:36] Lex Umaga: night Morgdah
[22:36] Morgdah Graves: +2 toupee of protection
[22:36] Morgdah Graves: :D
[22:36] Lex Umaga: grrrrr
Rogue Harsley: have problem whit some spanish ppl whit guns
nokithecat Writer: What sim?
Morgdah Graves: REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!
Mercadian Rau: The church is on fire theres a dead body infront of the station theres a car bomb explostion in the trainyard and CH's new serial killer just offed her first two victims
Lia Chastity: the cops are pretty suspicious
Nebiros Outlander: whuts the bhe?"
Nebiros Outlander: err
Nebiros Outlander: love chat lag
Burton Bulloch: Bounty Hunting Elephants?
Morgdah Graves: they are the bounty hunters group
Burton Bulloch: Bunnies Hindering Evolution
Burton Bulloch: Beligerant Hindu Eels
Mikey Freund: ??
Dyisi Oppewall: now it makes sence why they nixed it
Dyisi Oppewall: I mean for pete's sake... how could they *NOT* expect two of the most level headed clans that work together to come up with something?
Morgdah Graves: LMAO
Morgdah Graves: ROF
Dyisi Oppewall: Granted the Lasombra is more of a halfway house for the not so level headed.. *smiles*
PennyAngel: "I'd take him seriously if he had pants"
Dyisi Oppewall: and there's nothing more rabblerier then three gangrels and a goat
Morgdah Graves: ohhh, not to mention Malkavians with guns and nothing better to do
[22:11] Harmony Messmer: I want to befriend Morg.. "Why?" ... "she's a walking ac unit are you kidding me it's 100 deg with 100 percent humidity out here"
[22:12] Morgdah Graves: because we're in NEW friggin ORLEANS
[22:06] Elamyrath Bracken: my home is very...simple lol
[22:06] Morgdah Graves: spartan? or would that be casting a poor visage upon that noble race?
[22:06] Elamyrath Bracken: a poor visage
[21:18] Doran Shamrock: i feel sorry for the king...hes so worn out he only moves one square at a time while the the queen in one move can be on the back porch of the opposing king in one move...no wonder its called "Check mate" theyre looking for VD
[19:37] Morgdah Graves: put a strap on those as well, maybe a buckle that looks like the leaf, if you think that would be neat
[19:37] Wynter Paine: ooo good idea
[19:38] Morgdah Graves: and huge black spikes down the back with a large snowflake on the toe... that spikes out, and with red tips so it looks like blood, and on the heels put little pumpkins and baby heads
[19:38] Morgdah Graves: errrrrr
[19:38] Morgdah Graves: was that my outside voice?
[19:38] Morgdah Graves: >.>
[19:38] Morgdah Graves: <.<
[19:38] Wynter Paine: damn! haha
[19:38] Wynter Paine: THats a boot!
[23:16] Iheko Dreadlow: does anyone know what happens to Iheko when she takes viagra?
[23:16] Morgdah Graves runs away crying
"I slathered myself in Bacon Grease and I'm beating the bear with my belt. You CAN'T Tell me I'm NOT getting ripped to Shreds!" -KODT
[22:15] Karasi Finesmith stands up and gets an AHHA look and starts tuging at the differnt scrolls on hir belt.."Enchanting , enchanting..enchanting..enchanting..summoning..sneeze spell..sexual devaint killer spell.."
[22:15] Nicole Portola whispers: can I borrow that last one?
Tristan Careless: i just got him cause he was nifty and had foil on his butt
Alna Nemeth: as port luskan turns
Alna Nemeth: heeeheee
Marae Arizona: lol
Marae Arizona: One Li-- no, two -- no, wait, make that three-- four? um... Umpteen Lives to Live"
Alna Nemeth: LOL
Marae Arizona: "As Port Luskan *Doesn't* Turn"
Marae Arizona: "All My Liches"
Marae Arizona: "General Hollows"
Alna Nemeth: ROF
Alna Nemeth: OMG
Marae Arizona: "Darkmare Shadows"
[21:50] Suki Syakumi: I have to kick my frikkin gimp program
[21:50] Suki Syakumi: its locked up on me
[21:50] Alna Nemeth: roflmfaorofrof
[21:50] Suki Syakumi: wish they would fix my free program dang it
[21:50] Alna Nemeth: i snorted my water
[21:51] Alna Nemeth: i just immagined the gimp from pulp fiction
[21:51] Alna Nemeth: and there is a program for gimps
[21:51] Alna Nemeth: "come on now, who's the good gimp?'
[21:51] Alna Nemeth: oh wow oh wow oh wow wow wow.. i'm laughin, i got tears
[9:43] DCS2 2.42: Draugas Theas OOC: If Sauron had walked into the Prancing Pony and whacked the innkeep, I would have put the book down...
[10:08] Alna Nemeth: now, if you see my prims go way up real fast you know i'm planning an immenant attack on someone with multitudes of tiny bonzai ents
[10:08] Alna Nemeth: :P
[10:09] Karmas Destiny: lol
[10:09] Karmas Destiny: too funny
[10:14] Alna Nemeth: look out abi, here come my kamakazi bonzai ents!!
[10:14] Alna Nemeth: TREMBLE WITH FEAR!
[10:14] Karmas Destiny: rofl
[10:14] Alna Nemeth: PHEAR MY 1337 ENTS!
[10:14] Karmas Destiny: lol
Karmas Destiny: sorry my brain has the texture "Missing Image" tatooed all over it
Trojen Jun: Dayr did you get gheal
Arianthe Galicia: Hm, no, got death.
Arianthe Galicia grins
Alna Nemeth OOC: LMAO
DCS2 2.45: Alna Nemeth OOC: ROF LMAO
DCS2 2.45: Alna Nemeth OOC: ok, everyone in for a group death
[14:37] Keldrahir Aeon: well actually the main event which brought us together was that you had eaten the sailor, when I think back :D
[14:37] Alna Nemeth: so in celebration, we eat Morgan!
[14:37] Alna Nemeth: YAAAYY
[14:37] Keldrahir Aeon: :D
[14:37] Keldrahir Aeon: OMG
[14:38] Alna Nemeth: i win
[16:24] Kalador Underwood: good day everyone
[16:24] Alna Nemeth dry heaves
[6:51] Kargeth looks at the being, unsure of what it is, exactly. A grin starts to adorn his face as he speaks. 'Trees are not the only things I -chop-.'
[6:54] Alna: 's toothy grin spreads across her face, "Then I shall warn the shrubbery"
[19:38] Prometheus Romulus: Cindy, you were saying you're new in town? How have you liked it so far?
[19:38] Prometheus Romulus: Besides the "being attacked" part and so forth
[23:48] Vogonic Cooperstone mutters.."I suspect you are very hungry by now..." as he steps back another step..
[23:48] Vogonic Cooperstone shrugs, shaking his head..
[23:48] Alna leans forward, her mouth open slightly as she talks, 'Yes, I am very hungry, Vog'
[23:50] Alna: "i had a very bad time in the hospital tonight... a very bad time'"
[23:50] Vogonic Cooperstone swallows hard..."Uh...do you like pirates?"
[8:57] Ashe Serenity: the chitters and whistles, just punctuation
[8:57] Ashe Serenity: so you just said, "??!! "
[8:58] Dorcha Wylder: Now she's said that she is the Dreams of the iEplith-- the second of her people and hopes that you will share stories and food with them some time
[8:58] Dorcha Wylder: IF she got it right lol
[8:58] Dorcha Wylder: You're choice
[8:59] Ashe Serenity: this is what ashe got:
[8:59] Ashe Serenity: ?! . .. !! hahaha ?, !!
[9:00] Dorcha Wylder: Whoops so how would she speak?
[9:00] Ashe Serenity: in common
Doran: mmmmmmmooooooooooooo!?
Shinya: neighhh
Doran: QUACK!
Shinya: cock
Doran: ...
Doran: what animal says "cock"?
Shinya: the common gay, seen in tacky bars wearing chaps
Shinya: they're quite common in some parts
Shinya: they seem to be native to brighton
Doran: they are a strange animal...judges? *waits for the judges to respond*
Doran: i need a judges call
Mitsuko: not strange, just cliche *shurgs*
Doran: but youd give shinya the point for them being animals?
Mitsuko: humans are animals O.o
Doran: true...
Doran: Daggers!
Mitsuko: lol
Nebiros: ROFL
Doran: mits gave her the point
Nebiros: i would too
Doran: ok ok, i will let her know she wins