Sunday, October 17, 2010

Little Tokyo, Journal from a Human - as told by Patriciann Heron

Patty Heron's Little Tokyo Journal 5/5/08

I think I am on the brink of a breakthrough. Its just a few more pieces of the puzzle I have to put together. I tape recorded a conversation taking place in a garage- the tin roof resonated perfectly with their conversation, allowing me to pick it up. And interesting it was, indeed.

I need to do some research. What do the words "kindred" and "kine" mean? What are they talking about when they refer to a second "sign" in the horoscope? What are "clans" and "families?"

How can a woman who is just over 20 years old have a life that has been hectic for 3 decades? What is a "common clan" and an "uncommon clan?" I have a feeling these things are not referring to scottish or irish heritages, and that THIS is part of the great secret society of sorts that has been hidden from me. A Stepford Wives come to life, of sorts.

Then there is my other source, a very reluctant one at that, filled with dire warnings and all manner of ill portents. I have to finish acquiring that translation from the university professor- It should be ready to pick up any day now.

5/6/08 Yeah, something is definitely up. I have not yet been able to get the translation, and I still need to do research on these new terms. And check this out- I was passing by that dirty little bar owned by that louse, "Canis," or as Eath called him, "Crazy Nellie," and this guy in the bar just DISAPPEARS before my eyes. I would not have believed it had I not seen it! He disappeared in a red spray of some liquid. I was not about to stick around and find out what it was, but no doubt its tied up with this clan thing, whatever THAT is....

Morg in the wine shop said she had to go get a "rare vintage" from the cellar for Derrial. I left there and started down the street and bumped into the book shop owner, Derrial, and asked if he could assist me again with book research. He said he had to pick up some "supplies." Yeah, supplies my ass! Since when is a rare vintage wine referred to as "supplies" ??? Seems like this whole damned town is involved in this scenario- I must be EXTREMELY careful whom I speak to and what I say. Perhaps that also means not being so conspicuous with my stories, so this business review deal seems to be a good cover for finding out whats *really* going on.

And as for Gabe, well, he *seems* nice and charming and all that, but looks can be deceiving. If he is part of this "clan" secret society thing, I have to be careful- for all that matters, I have no idea who may or may not be a part of this cult. They seem extremely secretive, only divulging little bits and pieces of knowledge amongst one another in private ( or seemingly so) locations. I wonder if they have a private meeting place, like the KKK or something. Maybe I should check out that Pet Store again....

5/7/08 The crap has really hit the fan today folks.... I found out what this secret society is- they are VAMPIRES! They are evidently "siring" people and getting them addicted to a substance known as vitae, which seems to be a form of blood, thus ensuring control over them. Its absolutely insideous! And because this thing is a form of addiction, there's no telling who in this town they have added to this sick, depraved, society of sycophants! They have murdered innocents to keep this cover up covered- Holy Vladimir Putin, Batman!

I had a talk with my informant, and he tells me that a "clan" is a bloodline or family of vampires- makes sense according to the conversation I recorded between Nix and Lyon. "Kindred" seems to be brotherhood (probably of vamipres) and I have no idea still what "kine" means. From now on I am going to have to be very, VERY careful about whom I talk to and what I say. The following people so far my informant and I have been able to identify as being either vampires themselves or compromised: someone named Jeri, who wears glasses with one red lens, one blue and runs the garage (more about this later); Sab, the deupty marshall of the town; a strange woman named Pennyangel who dresses in all black; Morgdah, a woman of bleached skin who runs the "wine shop" north of town ( more on this later); Gabriel Montagne, owner of the art museum, at 30-35 years of age who has a "daughter" Willow, who appears no older than 25 (shyeah, right!); the owner of a bookstore, a man named Derrius who uses an ornamental cane (more on this later); Nix, short for Phoenix, a dancer at Canis' south side bar and sometimes dancer at Club Inferno; and Lyon, some guy Nix was talking to; also a man named Decon, with dark hair. Hell, for all I know the entire freakin town is vamped! Its pretty empty during the day....

OK, I have positively identified Jeri as the woman who was in combat with the spider thing- the glasses gave her away. I chased her through town once after that fateful night and finally cornered her in a back alley. I successfully fooled her into thinking I was only worried about her safety- and tried to gain her trust by not taking any pictures and just basically being non-threatening. She left me alone and I think she has decided not to bother with me anymore.

See the paragraph above dated 5/6/8 for the story with Morgdah and Derrial. I will bet you dollars to doughnuts that the wine shop is a cover for.... a blood manufacturing operation. The vitae. AND, if they have blood being made there..... THAT must mean that there are captives.... human captives somewhere down there who need help. Bruce Lee, where are you ???? Hmmm. Unless the hospital is somehow involved in a blood restocking operation, which would not surprise me in the least. What am I to do? This is a difficult ethical dilemma I find myself in.

I am going to start making mental notes on who is around and available during daylight hours and who is not. AND, I need to contact this priest, Father Mikhail. If he is from the Vatican and he is involved in vampire hunting, he is going to need to know the score, if I should decide to go the route of destroying this conspiracy with the nuclear option. I should probably dress up in a way that disguises myself if I decide to meet him.

I am also going to send all my materials and evidence I have gathered so far, including a copy of this journal and half the slime that was left at the scene of the monster attack along with the plaster casts I made of the monsters claw prints, to a safe place, to be opened in the event of my untimely death.

And now, for a last entry for today... I told Gabriel during my interview that I wanted to serve him.... And knowing what he is now, I have to make a choice. I had previously told Aurah, that I wanted to be like her, young and beautiful... wait a minute... I have never seen Aurah during the day- add her to the list- Aurah Washborne, owner of the Washborne hotel. I would be willing to bet that her secretive partner, Wynter Paine is part of the conspiracy, too. Anyhow, I have to make a choice now- whether I want to work to bring this thing to an end here, or join them and fulfill my wish of being young and beautiful, always, embracing this strange society and this "Twin Peaks" town of weird secrets. Now that I know what the score is, I no longer am attracted by discovering the unknown for its own sake. I think if I revealed what I knew, they would view it as a threat, so need to be wise and slow in making my choice. One choice is irreversible, with the addiction, the other is not until the plan is set in motion. I will defer for now to the side of patience.

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