Second Life Quotes Page 2

[22:42]  Jac Destiny: I Knows all yer secrets !
[22:42]  Doran Shamrock: !!
[22:42]  Doran Shamrock: like what?
[22:42]  Jac Destiny: and shame on you !
[22:42]  Doran Shamrock: what i doo?
[22:42]  Jac Destiny: like what you keep in the safe you pervert
[22:43]  Doran Shamrock: i keep stuff in the safe?
[22:43]  Jac Destiny: yes
[22:43]  Jac Destiny: and shame on you for what's in there
[22:43]  Doran Shamrock: i like midget porn
[22:43]  Jac Destiny: I also deleted all the porn of f of your computer
[22:43]  Doran Shamrock: !!!
[22:43]  Doran Shamrock: HEY
[22:44]  Jac Destiny: and replaced it all with pictures of baby bunnies
[22:44]  Doran Shamrock: you have no right to do that unless you are the provider of my nookie!
[22:44]  Jac Destiny: ~hands you a ferret named nookie~
[22:44]  Doran Shamrock: ...
[22:44]  Jac Destiny: I provided you with nookie
[22:44]  Doran Shamrock: i really need to phrase things better
[22:45]  Jac Destiny: indeed you do

[22:50]  Doran Shamrock: it must be cold in my apartment
[22:50]  Taibah Takahe: why's that?
[22:51]  Doran Shamrock: oooo, you actually asked for an explination XD....Because i could cut glass with my nipples right now
[22:51]  Taibah Takahe: OMG
[22:51]  Taibah Takahe: yeah dammit i should have known that was coming
[22:51]  Doran Shamrock: HAHAHAHAHAHA
[22:52]  Taibah Takahe: I walked into that one
[22:53]  Doran Shamrock: RAN into that one, head first
[22:53]  Taibah Takahe: like a bulldozer
[22:53]  Doran Shamrock nod nods

[22:19]  Mourns Afterthought‧: i really wish i'd stop itching everywhere
[22:23]  Doran Shamrock‧: i told you to stay AWAY from the diseased hookers, but what the hell do *I* know?
[22:23]  Mourns Afterthought‧: omg no its my allergies lol lol lol

[15:39]  Shinya Insippo: why are you looking at bras?
[15:39]  Shinya Insippo: and g-strings
[15:40]  Doran Shamrock: im making...a slingshot
[15:40]  Shinya Insippo: LOL
[15:43]  Doran Shamrock: there really is no recovery from that statement is there
[15:44]  Shinya Insippo: it's all noob clothing :P
[15:45]  Doran Shamrock: i was looking at the shapes on the wall and ranting because i can only choose between orc and ogre sizes
[15:45]  Shinya Insippo: rofl
[15:45]  Doran Shamrock: i want to be a 5'7" sexy man
[15:45]  Shinya Insippo: I'm being grim and looking at pictures of deformed things
[15:46]  Doran Shamrock: so we are both looking at the same shop wall
[15:46]  Shinya Insippo: no no, on google
[15:46]  Doran Shamrock: OHHHH!!!'
[15:46]  Shinya Insippo: I like to google random illnesses
[15:46]  Doran Shamrock: eww

Vasile: umm is it always so lively around here?
Doran Shamrock: come now, if you know anything of our clan im sure its that we can have a temper at times
Vasile: i almost forgot, its been along time since i've seen your clan
Phoenix Maruti: I'm so glad I got to be the one to remind you...
Doran Shamrock: keep it in mind when you choose your words. using the wrong words around a Brujah is akin to using a pogo stick in a minefield.

[4:27]  Lady K looks to Portia confused "you like lollypops Portia"
[4:27]  Portia Vanbeeck: Umm..they are puppets..
[4:28]  Lady K "Oh looks like you are licking them" grins
[4:28]  NESSA Karmin chuckles
[4:28]  Portia Vanbeeck: Maybe I am...
[4:28]  Lady K winks "Nice........may I have one to lick"
[4:28]  Benway Carver: What are the puppets names?
[4:28]  Portia Vanbeeck: I was actually terrorizing Appie, umm this one is Grammy and the other is...Boliver Shagnasty.
[7:55]  Woodstock Georgia cocks an eyebrow
[7:55]  Restroom Chemistry eyebrows a cock
[7:55]  Elamyrath Bracken brows a cockeye
[7:56]  Restroom Chemistry browbeats a cockfight
[7:56]  DCS2 2.34: Villa Demina OOC:  are you cock sure about that Elam lol
[7:57]  DCS2 2.34: Elamyrath Bracken OOC:  i'd be a terrible cockeral if i wasn't
[7:57]  DCS2 2.34: Villa Demina OOC:  seems like a cock and bull story to me
[7:57]  DCS2 2.34: Woodstock Georgia OOC:  what is everyone so cocky about?

[19:28]  TriJin Bade grabs the big sledgehammer and grins at CB, "anyway... who wants omelette"
[19:29]  CB Coeyman curls in a fetal positioin rocking in the corner and sticks his thumb in his mouth
[19:30]  Elamyrath Bracken points and snickers, hoping trijin doesn't see him
[19:30]  TriJin Bade: that's like saying, "I'm not hiding in the upstairs closet"

[1:20]  Helena Navarita: hello
[1:20]  Elamyrath Bracken: heya
[1:21]  Helena Navarita: What are you doing?
[1:21]  Elamyrath Bracken: looking for an slexchange box
[1:21]  Helena Navarita: I don't know what that is
[1:21]  Helena Navarita: you mean.. sex change box?
[1:21]  Elamyrath Bracken smiles

[22:03]  Morgdah Graves: i have guard clouds... and wraiths... AND a rubber chicken
[22:03]  Elamyrath Bracken: i have a mudkip
[22:03]  Morgdah Graves: what in the hell is a freaking mudkip?
[22:03]  Elamyrath Bracken: you DON'T want to know

[2:43]  Eleannor Slade: the thought of a dead baby always calms me down

[14:41]  Darius Vayandar: SO whats up?
[14:41]  Sasha Gatter: "Well I think I may have incentive for bonors!"
[14:41]  Sasha Gatter: ((omfg))
[14:41]  Sasha Gatter: *donors
[14:41]  Elamyrath Bracken totally didn't want to walk into that....he begins to back away slowly....

[1:41] Mordeth Morgwain: Real men don't get beaks!

[1:03]  Carrie Broek simply watches the two "I might be incorrect, but you two seem very close"
[1:04]  Reenie Miklos " we are like plasma and blood cells"

[1:53] Tantra Condom HUD whispers: Mathias Floresby takes off his condom.
[1:53] CCS - v1.0 - METER whispers: Mathias Floresby has leveled up!

[18:09] Logan Tempel slips an arm around himself, holds his other hand up to his forehead while sending a thought to himself. No thoughs sent of recieved, so he relaxes and scratches his balls instead

[21:19] Ishtar Heartsdale thinks that Nicho must be the poster chylde for vampire angst

[18:13] Reenie Miklos thinks elams blue schwartz is incredible
[18:13] Titlacahuan Zeritonga: I do too

[19:07]  Gage Okelly: right but your ass belongs to her, mine better belong to jesus

[23:25]  Jax Stryker eats Rina?
[23:25]  Jolene Merlin: rofl
[23:25]  Tempest Ella: out ?
[23:25]  Elamyrath Bracken quotes jax
[23:26]  Tempest Ella: Dirty Docter

[13:35]  Reenie Miklos: are you an emophilliac?
[13:35]  Elamyrath Bracken: emophillia, my new favorite word

[13:05]  Elamyrath Bracken: teriyaki burger for the win
[13:05]  Leirain Koray: *Jealous*
[13:05]  Blueray Darkes: O.o
[13:06]  Elamyrath Bracken quotes that as proof that lei is in fact, jealous of something of mine
[13:06]  Blueray Darkes: xD

[23:04]  Lacey Panthar brings out the suggestion box, which is really just a shredder with Suggestion Box taped onto it.

[13:25]  Jax Stryker: Rofl. The ability to make nips perk and men shrink. Elam has talent.

[6:48]  Mero Collas: Dude, you're Liam Neeson! I bet you get that alot :P
[6:49]  Keldrahir Aeon: Hahahaha! Yes, I do get this in fact :D
[6:49]  Mero Collas: Well, I won't kidnap your daughter - don't worry :>
[6:50]  Keldrahir Aeon: hehehe would be better for you ;)
[6:55]  Karmas Destiny: rofl
[6:55]  Karmas Destiny: I have seen your picture
[6:55]  Keldrahir Aeon: :D
[6:55]  Karmas Destiny: yes, i agree
[6:56]  Karmas Destiny: you are Liam Neeson

[9:01]  Alna Nemeth: omg
[9:01]  Alna Nemeth: you are soooo funky!!
[9:01]  Alna Nemeth: it's so cute i wanna smack you
[9:01]  Lava Ruby: lol, please don't. I've already been clawed today XD

[13:46]  Saelis Aeon: yes dont you all know, Saelis is a dude in rl *lowers her voice all manly n stuff* dont make me t-bag you with my manly testicles.

[2:02]  Perleixus Lynagh whipsers at harlow " idon't think they talkin about bras anymore "

[15:17]  Esmeralda Ravenheart: ((ah gotta go...rl))
[15:17]  Zavarra Starsider: (( nooooo ))
[15:17]  Esmeralda Ravenheart: ((unfortunately :/))
[15:17]  Zavarra Starsider: (( RL is still in beta, lots of bugs, dont use it! ))
[15:17]  Shalaris Blackheart: ((Nuuuuuu -shackles-))
[15:17]  Shalaris Blackheart: ((yes!__
[15:17]  Zavarra Starsider: (( it crashes every 16 hours! ))
[15:18]  Esmeralda Ravenheart: ((hahah nice zav :P ))
[15:18]  Wlfric Gausman: ((What is this RL I keep hearing of? Do you download it somewhere?))

[7:45]  Scar Clawtooth: Kel is like raptor jesus

[13:50]  Dyisi Oppewall: welcome X) If there is any other questions, feel free to IM me to ask!
[13:50]  Swallow Rokocoko: yeah, is it true that the reproductive cycle of a Satyr requires two males, or is that just to make it more interesting?
[13:51]  Wlfric Gausman covers his years and goes "LA LA LA LA LA LA!!!"
[13:52]  Dyisi Oppewall: wouldn't know.  I can't reproduce.  But I do have two mates already so... *snickers*
[13:52]  Wlfric Gausman: LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!!!!!!

[10:27]  Katarra Silvershade: now put on ur bandages and drink ur tea! DB<

[11:54]  Jonny Whitefalcon: ((The alternative version of that was "Jon stands there as the lava rebounds off his majesty with a perfect roll of 175. Anyway, my turn.))

[15:46]  Zerase (I shall perform my voodoo now on Maeve...Nani, begin the dance of the Great Joojoo.)
[15:48]  Nani Chayoo: (( *starts flailing around like a crack head* JOO JOO!! ))

[7:44]  Serian Andel: "by the way.. I think that peacock is checking you out.. just sayin"

[8:06]  Lava Ruby: why are you under the sea?!
[8:06]  Alna Nemeth: 'cause everything's better, down where it's wetter, Take it from meee!!
[8:06]  Alna Nemeth: *under the sea*
[8:06]  Alna Nemeth: LOL

[14:21]  Grace Loudon: Had this been an actual emergency, you would have been directed to run screaming with arms flailing over your head.
[14:22]  Dyisi Oppewall tapdances while screaming and flailing her arms over her head

[14:39]  Lava Ruby: well darn it! I'm on the plane to Greece on wednesday XD
[14:41]  Isis Gaelyth: I will try to be there!
[14:41]  Isis Gaelyth: ((at the council meeting - not on the plane))

[11:36]  Iriss Spingflower: *also uses the 'booty call spell' on Kelly
[11:37]  Grace Loudon: Oh please, like Kelly needs a spell for that

[11:48]  Unsubtle Melody: OMG, Jassant is hittin on Lava right now in front of me.

[2010/09/24 14:36]  Zavarra Starsider: so you'd rather bust my door down instead?
[2010/09/24 14:36]  Lava Ruby: that is the proper way for the Warrior Guild Mistress to leave a tavern!

[13:42]  Giloril Bracula: Hey Kelly! DOnt be such a stiff and shake that booty! WOOOOOO HOOOOO

[13:44]  Janet Rothmanay: You two dance like Britany Spears.
[13:45]  Jonny Whitefalcon: I'm offended. Britney totally can't touch this.

[13:50]  Toby Garnet: We could go in as Whip weilding Monkeys and take on Katarra :D
[13:51]  Toby Garnet: That would be the weirdest encounter in EW yet
[13:51]  Toby Garnet: unless we wore monkey speedos as well

[13:54]  Silvio Deimatov: Hey guys what's that?
[13:54]  Silvio Deimatov: That's uh.. Lava's step stool.
[13:54]  Silvio Deimatov: Don't touch it, don't stand above it
[13:54]  Silvio Deimatov: Everyone slouch!
[13:54]  Silvio Deimatov: Dragons: -slump- >_>

Tekki stuff-
[16:10]  Lilitha Paine pokes
[16:10]  Tekki Rotaru explodes
[16:10]  Lilitha Paine: Goodie tekki goo
[16:11]  Tekki Rotaru: ergtoawsjgbdjfg
[16:11]  Lilitha Paine: xD
[16:11]  Tekki Rotaru: <reformatting>

Xxander Snook:
[22:35]  Xxander Snook: .verify <code>
[22:35]  MCM Website Registration Terminal shouts: Xxander Snook is N00B!
[22:35]  MCM Website Registration Terminal: Thank you Xxander

Kirk Bishop"
[1:34]  Lilitha Paine: <3 love ya bro
[1:34]  Kirk Bishop: ill kill myself and come kick your ass
[1:35]  Lilitha Paine: xD
[1:35]  Kirk Bishop: <# u 2 sis
[1:35]  Lilitha Paine: Nini

Goffy Collas-
[16:10]  Goffy Collas: you are both epic sauce..
[16:10]  Lilitha Paine: x3
[16:10]  Lilitha Paine: I'm Saucey!
[16:10]  Lilitha Paine: woot
[16:11]  Goffy Collas: hehe yes :P

13:54]  Lilitha Paine: Marshmellow men! xD
[13:54]  Lilitha Paine: should we go poke fun or watcha and laugh from far away?

[23:54]  Maedae Guisse: salary is ok, i have 2 in resources
[23:54]  Maedae Guisse: plus i'm staying out in the shacks with the cajuns
[23:54]  Maedae Guisse: :)
[23:54]  Drasy Denimore: Oh god
[23:54]  Maedae Guisse: i shall redeem their souls....
[23:54]  Drasy Denimore: those creepy fuckers
[23:55]  Maedae Guisse: if i can do that i'm a shoe in for heaven

Vegetables are what food eats. Fruit are vegetables that fool you by tasting good. Fish are fast moving vegetables. Mushrooms are what grows on vegetables when food's done with them.   -- Meat Eater's Credo, according to Jim Williams

[12:31]  Mercy Akami: She's going to be a much harder case, I suspect. *He turned his hand over to let Yce fall into Petra's palm, even shaking a bit to get her to let go*
[12:32]  Tiny Pixie (Yce): squeeks and clings, litttle hands gripping the hair on the knuckles even, "nonononodon'tdropmenonono!"
[12:34]  Mercy Akami: *He grunted and flipped his hand back around with Yce still in it and then rolled his head on his shoulders* Petra... You will have to heal her in my hand. She's insane and won't let go of me...She's clingy for something I haven't slept with.

[2:40]  Nikita Wilder: Your my Childe here, he knows where we stand
[2:40]  Pieter Seelowe: yeah.. which is a shame
[2:41]  Pieter Seelowe: Incest is best, right mommy? ::looks at you with big eyes::
[2:41]  Nikita Wilder: No

[10:10]  Shaynee Xi: oooo it looks even better bigger

[2:51]  Solus Lanzius: raises voice "Griffith - you are clearly unaware of the harm the shadows have been doing to the righteous for weeks.
[2:51]  You: Ok ok, i admitt it...,  I deviced a very evil plott to have Solus's dick shrink into a vagina

Pieter Seelowe : Hello  GM here doing a camper check, i will need a confirmation that you are not camping
Lenys : que coño cam`ping
Lenys : tio
Lenys : estoy masturbandome
Lenys : molesta
Translation : Im not camping, Im masturbating.

[2:44]  Blue Irvine: and all you shadows have horns stuck up your asses because you all are stuck up ass holes who need to have that horn pulled out so you all are not so much like asses

[15:24]  Nikita Wilder: Fuck me it works.

[10:14]  Anton Berger: I do have two points in fortitude, if that helps you any :)
[10:14]  Rayne Oconnell: ALL ye c'n do
[10:14]  Rayne Oconnell: it definately does
[10:14]  Rayne Oconnell: i'll wear ye inna battle
[10:14]  Rayne Oconnell: :D
[10:14]  Anton Berger chuckles. "Now there's a novelty. Ventrue flack!"

[17:51]  Cotton Nexen: Poor guy, I bet a lot of people will shove a wiki at him and he'll come up as an unseelie bone gnawer ventrue abomination from the technocracy.

Geroff Hienrichs: Oh Crap!
Geroff Hienrichs slaps the hair off of your head.

[22:15]  Azrael Nakajima: I want to lift that Gone With The Wind ..curtain dress, and make her yell " TERA!!"

[15:17]  Rayne Oconnell sighs and frumps
[15:17]  Rayne Oconnell: two weeeeekssss
[15:17]  Rayne Oconnell: grumph
[15:17]  Patriciann Heron: yeah- I was banned from New Corsica for a month after I got sawed in half
[15:17]  Rayne Oconnell: LOL
[15:18]  Rayne Oconnell: sawed
[15:18]  Rayne Oconnell: in
[15:18]  Rayne Oconnell: half?
[15:18]  Rayne Oconnell: O.O
[15:18]  Patriciann Heron: Yes, the details are in the following poem....

[0:07]  Digiwatt Neximus rolls his eye and looks at Geass "Put your light saber finger nail things away Johny 5... we aint starting no shit with anyone.. least not yet

[14:13]  Marcello Pausch: Well, there are several places around the world that believes that in-bred love is the way to POWER

[13:38]  Marcello Pausch: Well, penises appear at random
[13:38]  Marcello Pausch: So be careful

[17:43]  Clawtooth Aker: * lifts a wing.. and bitch slaps the unicorn

[20:51]  Karicus Kralomoc: i save yoo fwon dwagooons

0:12]  Riley Mensing: dont make me thump you
[20:12]  Rafe Deerhunter: thunping dpn]t hurt after the first 100 times
[20:12]  Rafe Deerhunter: which I have reached mind you
[20:12]  Riley Mensing: i will thump you with rocks
[20:12]  Riley Mensing: see if that works :P

[0:26]  Darth Dolor (Tabatha Fegte) grins leaning up and attempting to place a deep kiss upon owyn's lips hoping it will distract him as she raises her left leg and attempts to bring it straight up between owyn's and hit him in the no no region ((her left leg is a prosthetic made out of mando iron if that means anything))
[0:27]  Kimmie Aeon OOC: lmao, thats the second jedi you kissed today
[0:27]  Owyn Graves: ((tease))
[0:27]  You: ((0.0 ouch, right in the groin?))
[0:27]  Owyn Graves: ((just you wait))
[0:27]  Tabatha Fegte: ((:-P))
[0:28]  Breanna Pomeray: ((yeah seriously, if I know Owyn he will avoid that at all cost lol))
[0:28]  Tabatha Fegte: ((that is why there is a kiss to distract him))
[0:28]  Tabatha Fegte: <------------------------EVIL
[0:28]  Kimmie Aeon OOC: i remember when travail kissed him hehe. he ended up in the hospital and norin ran to byss lol
[0:29]  You: ((save your children owyn!!!!))

[16:17]  Eeric Clip: how would one rp a baby?
[16:17]  Soldier Wylie: can't
[16:17]  Opal Nakamori: like this: waaaaah
[16:17]  Soldier Wylie: i don't think
[16:18]  Eeric Clip: no, like having one?
[16:18]  Soldier Wylie: 0.0
[16:18]  Opal Nakamori: ooooo eeeeee it hurts *pants*
[16:18]  Gabrielle Chaplin: ghosts have babies?
[16:18]  Soldier Wylie: what did you do this time?
[16:18]  Gabrielle Chaplin: they have pregnant av's
[16:18]  Opal Nakamori: alternatively, hello mr stork, is that a baby? why thank you!
[16:18]  Opal Nakamori: or
[16:19]  Opal Nakamori wanders down to the cabbage patch, "what's this? A baby? How marvellous!"
[16:20]  Gabrielle Chaplin: I like babies, they taste wonderful

[17:59]  Soldier Wylie: i hear a large crash upstairs and you expect me to just shrug and say "just another day on the job"
[17:59]  Johnathon Karu: ....
[17:59]  Johnathon Karu: maybe

[19:19]  Dynamic Rumble: if he is to return here again wuith fire in his eyes...
[19:19]  Dynamic Rumble: he will be struck down with the mighty force of Ewya hersilf
[19:20]  Soldier Wylie grins
[19:20]  Dynamic Rumble: and feel the true strength of the Navi'
[19:20]  Soldier Wylie: what? the tree gonna fall on me?

[19:27]  Dynamic Rumble: )human remeber this compassion
[19:27]  Soldier Wylie: well, oh so noble na'vi, i have learned from my mistakes, this experience has taught me somethin
[19:27]  Dynamic Rumble: next time..there will be none
[19:27]  Dynamic Rumble: what have you learned human
[19:28]  Soldier Wylie smirks, "I learned to pack a flamer next time te' burn yer fuckin tree down"

[14:24]  Soldier Wylie: the itsy bitsy na'vi went up the water spout, down came the drop troopers and wiped the na'vi out. out came the explosions and all the trees burned, and the itsy bitsy na'vi never went up the spout again

[20:06]  (Doran)Engineering Specialist 'Torch' ducks as a Na'vi body goes flying at him, 

 [14:52]  Thane Rustamova: ((All these Mando names are confusing... Par'jila... Parjai'an... Partridge'inna'pear'Tree))
Giovanni Benazzi: son dont worry i could not kiss your mom


[20:24]  Soldier Wylie: kawk
[20:24]  Soldier Wylie: lawl*
[20:24]  Xikana Carver: ><
[20:24]  Soldier Wylie: that was a disturbing typo >.>

[9:36]  Tenacious Iceberg: Ig gekkim snukes ti tge winab,
[9:36]  Tenacious Iceberg: ((forgive me, have some nerve damage in hand, lol... it does as it wishes.)
[9:37]  Tenacious Iceberg: looks to the woman, wonderful, the city is quite beautiful.....
[9:37]  Maximilian Muhindra: ((no problem))
[9:37]  Lucy Zelmanov: Np :-) must be anoying
[9:37]  Tenacious Iceberg: ((it is.))
[9:37]  You: (( completely forgiven, thought you were speaking in tongues there for a moment, about to get out the bible))
[9:37]  Lucy Zelmanov: lol
[9:37]  Tenacious Iceberg: ((lol, no not needed yet.))

[17:29]  Nadav Vaher: tazai
[17:29]  Nadav Vaher: I think i may be homosexual for you.
[17:29]  Tazai Arai: It happens.

[17:12]  Nadav Vaher: I need you to forget for a second that you're a troll
[17:12]  Tazai Arai: how I does?

[23:55]  Tazai Arai: OKAY.
[23:55]  Tazai Arai: Fucking Boris in there dude.
[23:55]  Tazai Arai: LOOK.
[23:55]  Tazai Arai: Going at it like a CHAMP.
[23:56]  boris Afterthought: thx bro

[0:06]  Vecna Skizm: SUP BRAH
[0:06]  Vecna Skizm: YEAH ITS HANDS FREE
[0:06]  Vecna Skizm: LOL
[0:06]  Vecna Skizm: (Rp sim, saw a dude fuckin this chick tottaly naked, with his blue tooth still on)

Wren Kappler throws money at you like a cheap whore xD
Vomon Huet shakes it
Wren Kappler paid you $800

Vomon Huet: woot!! i didnt crash once ALL day!
Austilea Petrova: yay!
Vomon Huet is offline.
Vomon Huet is online.
Austilea Petrova: haha
Vomon Huet: -.-

Zelis Szondi hands vomon a cookie made of pure, condensed vodka
Vomon Huet: i need to find a cloning ma... WHOA!
Zelis Szondi: hehe
Vomon Huet snatches the cookie and devours it like a crazy person, tackles you and shakes you violently, "MORE COOKIEZ!"
Zelis Szondi gulps and hands him all teh cookies
Vomon Huet runs away cackling
Vomon Huet: Iz letchu know where my funeral is, k? ^^
Vomon Huet: ima die happeeee

Earendil Lowenhart: you have a lot of Gods, sir
Vomon Huet: lost a night of sleep making em
Earendil Lowenhart: a man who makes Gods
Earendil Lowenhart: is a useful ally

Earendil Lowenhart: I just drank four beers by mistake
Earendil Lowenhart: :(

[7:06]  Vomon Huet: i wont argue against that pops. you ARE around galea most of the time, and thats where the women are :P
[7:07]  Pops Bingyi: oh their also out in the woods....and a few over toward Ordon....therefore I have to walk about a bit at times....

[15:17]  Kobo Barracuda: OH! before I forget...  I was shopping today and a girl totally brought up wishbox
[15:17]  Wisp Jinn: ohhhh yes? dish
[15:17]  Kobo Barracuda: I so namechecked you
[15:17]  Wisp Jinn: LOL
[15:17]  Wisp Jinn puffs up
[15:17]  Kobo Barracuda: then she gave me oral in the back of the mall
[15:18]  Kobo Barracuda: so um...I need a free outfit
[15:18]  Wisp Jinn: LOL
[13:53]  Merrick DeVinna: leaving your magical orbs out for any common riffraff or malcontent to paw with their dirty little fingers?  I thought I taught you better than that.
[13:54]  Wisp Jinn blushes and pulls her jacket shut.
[13:55]  Merrick DeVinna: why you cheeky imp
[9:18]  Wisp Jinn: when routine bites hard and ambitions are low...
[9:19]  Kobo Barracuda: And the resentment rides high but emotions wont grow
[9:19]  Kobo Barracuda accepted your inventory offer.
[9:19]  Kobo Barracuda: give  the  gift of  lingerie?  wtf?
[9:19]  Kobo Barracuda:  :P

[2009/10/12 0:24]  Dyisi Oppewall: Yeah uh Wisp.. I go from here to Greece every month, I've testicular cancer and Ken's pregnant


[17:04]  Wisp Jinn: ive brightened you a bit, but not to the extent where its racist.
[17:04]  Dyisi Oppewall: LOL


[20:42]  Dyisi Oppewall: Main Entry: antler 
Part of Speech: noun 
Definition: deciduous horn 
Synonyms: horn, knob, point, rack, spike  
[20:51]  Wisp Jinn: LOL

[22:21]  Wisp Jinn: be my sunshine and smile on me
[22:21]  Dyisi Oppewall: le smile
[22:22]  Wisp Jinn: lol
[22:22]  Wisp Jinn basks
[22:22]  Dyisi Oppewall: lol
[22:22]  Dyisi Oppewall: glad to be of service

[2010/04/23 19:08]  Dyisi Oppewall: so it's like they did what people wanted
[2010/04/23 19:08]  Dyisi Oppewall: just half assed
[2010/04/23 19:13]  Wisp Jinn: i love half-assed. it's how i make a living
[2010/04/23 19:13]  Dyisi Oppewall: LOL