Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Bard's Song as told by David Itamae

In the distant horizon a young woman faces the dawn with staring blankly for the return of her loved one. It had been many moons since she last recalled his face his eyes as he looked upon her with compassion and love. The words of his voice ringing in her ears like a sweet melody. Oh yes she had missed the moments in which she could dance the night away, leaving behind all the stresses of the world.
Those days had long been gone for her now. The music that played was the howling winds bringing with it a bitter chill. Her soft hands clutching her bosom holding close something both dear and precious. She continued staring out into the morning light breathing softly as she shut her eyes holding ever tighter that dream of one day being reunited. As she leans her head forward she drifts off into a dream. A dream takes her far away from the cold dreary air.
Music played softly as the people cheered in a local tavern. Their eyes focused on the barkeep behind the counter as she made some fresh ale for them to drink. Her face was like that of angels as the beauty radiated off her like a summer day. Her eyes held fast the men as they tried desperately to focus on her other qualities. However her will held them at bay and none made a wrong move against her.
She dressed casually for her being of a greater wealth. Her tavern was also of a modest build. It was a simple place that everyone could enjoy. The stage was set of a fine redwood that set it apart from the rest of the structure for it had to hold some rather unusual guest who often appeared different times of the year. It was a talk of the town for all who entered were amazed at the very hospitality.
However even as much as she enjoyed the lifestyles of her modest dwelling a fire burned within her that could not be quenched from serving ale. In her heart she enjoyed much more than what the city had to offer. She would often feel so compelled to leave that she would not return for days at a time. This often would lead to more than one search party hoping not to find a gruesome discovery in the woods.
One night in particular she had made her way out the back door of her tavern and headed out to the wood line. As she swept passed the brush and the thick trees she stopped suddenly. A look of fright came over her as a wild beast approached from the shadows. As she gathered her wits about her she smiled softly to the beast and instead of panic she began to sing.
Her voice began low and soft picking up slightly as she carried on to the next note. She locked the gaze upon the beast whom was now enchanted by her voice. She raised her arms and danced sweetly among the trees. Not a crackle was heard as the ground itself had made no move to stop her lullaby. Again picking up her voice she neared closer to the beast letting it smell and touch her.
The beast was unmoving. The song he heard was sweeter than any honey or fruit he had ever tasted. Wishing not to disturb the song the beast moved back slowly feeling the ground hoping to not make a sound. Feeling less afraid the animal halted his retreat. Lowering his head he allowed the lady to touch his fur softly. When she finished the song the beast sped away swiftly never again wishing to harm the woman or her song.
Resuming her getaway the woman sped faster along the trotted path now visible in the moonlight. Fearing that the men of the town would steal her back to the tavern she moved even quicker. Stepping over roots she finally made it out of the forest where a carriage was already in wait for her appearance. Getting into the carriage she could feel as if something was watching her. Something she could not quite figure out.
Indeed there was another watching her. His eyes moved along as quickly as she could run. His ears heard the music and immediately he set himself to find its origin. Knowing that anytime he could catch her he refrained instead he wished only to her hear song and finish what she started. Now that she was away he would go and find out more about her. So in the darkness he flew avoiding the scene of being caught by the songstress.
She arrived in another town far away from her tavern and security of all she knew.  Her smile pierced the crowd as she headed straight for the stage which was set directly in the middle of the town square. Stepping up on the podium she began to move her hips side to side hoping to gain attention from the strangers she was surrounded by. She danced with passion upon the stage and when it was over a great cheer erupted.
Bowing low to them in response she began to recite a tale she wrote a few nights prior. The tale was more a poet’s song than story, still it did not matter. The crowd seeing her had already stopped everything and focused their attention on her alone. She graced them with a few selections from her favorite readings then quickly as she came she was gone once more.
Having the rush of the crowd she moved past them darting fast into an alley where she disappeared from the crowd of people. However not all eyes had her quickly vanish. Instead he merely watched as she pranced and giggled from the sensation of applause. Looking at her long black hair flowing in the wind he swooped down from his high perch to see the rest of the city.
The following day she came once again to the high podium to begin as she did the day before reciting tales of high adventure and romance. With each pause she could hear the whispers of the people cheer and boo as each character was introduced. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath reciting the last part when suddenly a man began to raise his voice past hers.
Her eyes snapped open as she quickly turned her head to face in the direction of the scene stealer. She became enraged at the very thought that someone had the audacity to upstage her in the middle of a story. Picking her voice higher she echoed past the man whom she still hadn’t seen until finally she could raise it no further. Lowering her voice she calmly gathered herself together knowing that moments like these often came at such unexpected times.
When she did finally gather her wits she then looked to the man whom was now speaking of his own tales. The crowd enticed as to the sudden insurgence quieted down hearing every syllable as if life depended on it. Using every motion from his hands and fingers the man demonstrated every action to his tale and finally when he had finished the crowd erupted with praise tossing a few coin to the stage for a job well done.
Examining him closely the lady saw nothing truly remarkable about him. His blonde hair was cut to the shoulders and pulled back in a ponytail. His black and grey outfit was made of common fabrics exclusively for travelers. His features where sharp contrasting both youth and wisdom. His eyes dark eyes told of the many adventures he experienced in his life that often seemed more tragic than happy. With a motion from his hand he called to the lady to join next to him. Taking her hand they bowed together sharing the glory of tale.
Stepping back the man took her and swung her around. Instinctively she stepped in unison to the dance which was now underway. As they got close for a second the man looked to her offering her a challenge of song and tale. That the victor would keep the coin purse that was freely given to them by the people they recited for.  With a slight smile the lady happily accepted.
Soon the dance broke way and the man began to speak of a tale in the high seas. His bold words met only by actions of sword and graceful movements. She immediately interjected having the crowd quickly focus on her. Like a damsel in distress she began to sing  loudly words of woe at the capture of her aboard the mighty sea vessel. Her pitch was high and her words true letting the man take a breath hoping that he would falter under the pressure.
However as she sang the man became more aggressive in his tales soon the audience watched as he began using illusions to bless the stage with fire circling around the lady and her song. Pulling out his lute he began to play notes keeping in sync with the ladies majestic voice. As the story ended the crowd was unable to decide a victor instead a draw was declared and the coin purse divided.
While taking her money from the stage she felt a sudden tap on her shoulder. Rising up to meet the man next to her she noticed that he held his hand out with all the coins gathered up. Pushing her hand forward he dropped the money into her palm excused himself and departed. Before she was able to react properly the man was gone leaving her to the roar of an exciting day of bardic completion.
After she had counted her money she decided it was time for her to return to her small tavern. The day was already wearing thin as was her time in the town. She went for a drink only to find sitting at the counter the same man who challenged earlier that morning. Not pleased with his sudden exit she walked calmly over to finally greet him formally.
“Fine tale you spoke this day good sir.” she said quietly.
“A finer day with your song m’ lady, as we all were captivated by your words and beauty” he said back.
“Well I could not simply leave without giving you something you rightfully earned” she said playfully.
“Keep it I have a hoard of gold already that keeps me well in good standing. Take the money back to your town and do with it as you please.” He told her.
“May I at least get your name good sir?” she asked.
“Kalin is my name and you are…?”
“I’m Marianne but many people just calm me Aine.”
“Well met Miss Aine a pleasure to see a bard of your standard in these parts. Many seldom come here as reputation of the town is less than appealing to say the least.”
So after a few hours of drinking some ale the two exchanged tales of love and life. With each passing moment the sun had began to sink lower into the horizon. Soon darkness fell across the land and everyone was setting up to leave the pub. Yawning heavily Aine could no longer hold her eyes open and soon drifted in a deep restful sleep.
The next day Aine found herself in a bed above the bar which she fell asleep. The sun was already coming through the cracks of the wall. The calm winds blowing inside from the open window which she could see a great view of the city itself. As Aine checked herself over she noticed that everything was as she left it. Cursing in her mind for allowing such an event to happen she made her way downstairs to the innkeeper who had already looked over and greeted her.
Upon questioning Aine was told that her companion had paid for the room and left soon after she was taken upstairs. With little to no words he went off into the night and was not seen since. The barkeep provided little information as the gentleman told him nothing save to look after the lady. As she turned to head toward the door a strange calm fell over her.
Heading home Aine could not take her mind of the mysterious bard. His words rang in her head the entire day. Even with darkness approaching and shadows looming she still could think only of Kalin. She whispered to the rein master to speed up as the cold was beginning to get more uncomfortable. Hearing the cracking of leather against the horses whinnies Aine snuggled in her jacket and began to close her eyes.
Suddenly she was awoken to the halt of the carriage. Horses leaped high in the air as the rein master tried desperately to control them. The cold vanished quickly as a rush of heat blasted its way through the carriage windows. Aine made ready her small dagger as she braced against the walls around her seat. As the carriage finally halted Aine crept near a corner unaware as to what to expect.
Calling out to her was a deep raspy voice. The voice was subtle at first then as she stayed her feet where they were it began to get louder and more annoyed. In time another voice joined in taunting her to come outside and join them in the darkness. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as there was no movement from the horses or the rein master that held them. Then the door was ripped from its hinges and a great eye peaked inside.
Aine wanted to scream but her throat like everything else would not move. She tried to calm down but the eyes kept staring coldly as if tearing her soul from her body. The chills went down her spine s much so that she began to spasm. Beginning to feel that she had lost all control the strength she knew deep inside her flowed forth taking back all that was being pulled away.
Stepping from the carriage Aine could see the blood of the horses leaking deeply from their wounds. She sighed as she mourned their loss for they were dear to her. Many times had they came to her rescue to seek adventure and now those days were over. Looking defiantly to the scaled creature above her she let out a single note. The note she recited was one of hope that if she was to fall that may the animals take pity upon her body and not defile it. With a faint smile she lifted up her dagger poised and ready to fight. With a look of determination in her eye she waited for her pursuers to make the first move.
Laughing at the small human the two drakes surrounded her by circling in, teasing her with their nostril flares. They opened their mouths to show off all their sharp teeth hoping to gain another ounce of fear. They beat their wings against the wind making her stumble and fall. To the surprise to both the woman simply stood up continuing her gaze of defiance.
Not letting them gain mastery of her Aine decided it was best to go down fighting. As the hilt of her dagger gripped even tighter she moved forward slowly arching her arm back ready to swing. She shut her eyes as the one drake moved its head back to see what she was intending. Just as she began to motion her arm forward with all her might a hand came and took hold her wrist preventing it from going any further.
Opening her eyes she saw a face she felt she’d never see again. Kalin stood there holding her wrist. How he got there was a mystery as not even the drakes noticed his silent approach. He looked at the two drakes with a face filled with a twisted malice and anger. As he eyed Aine she could sense that something was not as familiar as before. The only question in her mind what it could be?
Admiring his stupidity for meddling in their affairs the drakes turned toward Kalin ready to devour his body. The first drake called to the other placing a bet as to who would catch him first?  With a sly grin they decided that it be best to play with him before actually eating him. They laughed so loudly that the very trees shook from the air spewing from their mouths.
Kalin had already begun to speak to Aine as the drakes began to move their talons towards him. With a brief jump Kalin had already maneuvered well out the way of the first drakes advance. With a smile Kalin took hold of Aine and told her to stick close. As she reached her arm around his waist she could feel his warmth wrap around her body. She was no longer afraid but rather relieved.
“I heard your voice call into the winds and felt that you dying today would hold no meaning for me.” Kalin told her reassuringly.
Taking him and holding him tighter she gave him a great hug. As she did so she could hear him speaking in a language she could not understand. To her amazement the two drakes halted their attack and stepped back a moment allowing Kalin to finish what he had started. A bewildered look overcame them as for the first time the two drakes smelled of fear and terror.
Shifting slightly at first Kalin let go of Aine and told her to step away from him. In a matter of seconds Kalin had completely transformed from the simple man and into a majestic dragon. His scales black with a bluish hue glowed radiantly as the moonlight struck it. As he towered over the two drakes Aine could feel nothing but an impulse to run. Her heart raced but her feet stood still.
Seconds later the two drakes began to charge Kalin the dragon in a battle to the death. Believing that numbers would prevail over size the two drakes used speed to their advantage. Thrusting in with quick strokes the talons tore into the scales with great difficulty. As one headed toward the neck to do a crippling blow the other attacked its feet trying to get Kalin unaware.
As the scales tore from his flesh Kalin gave out a deep rumble. He wanted to rip them from limb to limb. However his sights were not yet set on the defeat of his foes but rather on the well being of the human he stood guarding.  Not allowing his eyes to never leave Aine sighed Kalin seen the two drakes advance trying to separate going for neck and feet.
The first drake had already jumped high into the air securing his teeth around Kalin’s throat. He pressed his talons deeply firmly locking them, as to not get easily shaken off. With his tail he began to bat into the eyes trying to blind him. As he held on he could feel his talons slip easily from the tougher scales making him fall to the ground quickly.
With the first drake sliding off the other drake found himself at a very real dire situation. He tried to take the feet from underneath Kalin to no avail. Instead he began to retreat when suddenly his tail was now firmly pressed by the great dragon’s right foot. Clawing to get free the drake cut away at his own tail hoping that that would be enough soon however he found it too little too late. With one snap of his jaws the dragon took the life from the drake that was now lay motionless under his feet.
Knowing his companion had died quickly the other drake wanted to run. He got to his feet and began to fly away into the air. Beating his wings furiously he began to climb higher and higher in the sky. Not looking back to see if he was being followed he swooped down hoping that the forest could provide him with some cover. As he began to descend he could feel a great weight crash directly on top of him. Crashing to the earth the drake died upon impact. Only the crater was left to serve as his final resting place.
Returning to Aine Kalin could see her shaking violently from the ordeal. Shifting back into the man she knew him as he tried to take her hand into his. Reluctant at first Aine had pulled away now unable to control her sobbing. Reaching out once more he spoke to her in the softest voice she ever heard. As she put her hand to his he raised her on her feet and bowed low. As he went on to inspect the carriage he took hold of her belongings tossing them to the ground outside.
Shifting once more he told Aine to grab her things and climb on his back. As he kneeled low she struggled to get in the scales. With a slight magical boost she was lifted high onto his back where he began to spread his wings and fly. Taking off from the dreadful place she noticed the drakes being carried off by forms she could not quite make out. Soon her attention was back to the air in front of her and off to her home they went.
“So how did you know about the two drakes?” she asked calmly.
“I was able to smell them easily as they were very sure of themselves. They had been following you for a few days. I had picked them up as I flew high over a forest one day. It was there I spotted your carriage and followed all of you to that town we spoke at.” He said reassuringly.
“So if you know of them why did you not help me in the first place?” she said coldly.
“If I had helped you early on then we all would have been in grave danger not from just the drakes but from men as a whole. No one likes to see a bunch of giant scaled beasts wrecking their fair city no matter the reason. I did what I could when I could though I am sorry for the loss of your colleagues and wish to repay for their loss in some way.”
With many more questions to be asked Aine tried hard to think as so much had happened that made her want to simply rest. The dragon feeling her hands slip from the mount told her that it was just a short distance away. In no time at all he came to the same forest were she had gotten into the carriage slowing down his speed he finally landed in a wide open space. Under the cover of darkness he moved under some trees
Arriving just short of her city Kalin had let Aine off his back and down shifted back into a man. “As a dragon I could not move around so easily without a crowd gathering,” he joked. With an encouraging smile Aine took him to her tavern where the customers had already lined up to be seated. As Aine walked inside a cheer arose from the crowd and money was being passed to a man sitting behind the counter. Knowing full well from the past times she had gone Aine knew that they placed bets as to when she would return.
Taking Kalin on a tour was simple enough showing him the areas which she seemed excited to talk about. As her eyes lit up Kalin could see some sadness hidden away in the back of her mind. Unsure when to ask he stayed quiet allowing her to finish what she had started. As the tour ended the patrons all asked for the ale and Aine was back to her normal routine.
So after a few days in the town Kalin came to realize that Aine was like a prisoner in a cage. The ounces of freedom she indulged were that of travel and exotic lands. Knowing that her heart was not in the right place he immediately went to the tavern. While passing through the long lines, many patrons began to become Irate and yell at Kalin for his ignorance of their rules and customs. Having shrugged them off Kalin burst though the doorway as if he owned the place.
Taking Aine by the hand he led her to a back room. Shutting the door tightly behind them he began to express his dissatisfaction at hiding herself away in something he felt was not living to her full potential. He told her of the time he spent with her on the stage that he could feel her alive more than anytime they were recently. Even now with the customers beckoning to her return he could see in her eyes that they wanted more.
Upset over his sudden outburst Aine yelled at Kalin for his lack of understanding. She cared not that he was a dragon who had saved her a few nights before. Instead she belittled him for his lack of moral judgment. That while he was free to do as he wished she was still bound to more than just herself. People relied on her to provide for them a reason for living. That the small moments she gave herself were necessary to cool her head as she absorbed many of the issues that plagued her.
Fighting continued for more than an hour. Each argued bitterly back and forth. Kalin for the want of her to enjoy her life as it was her only life to live. While Aine argued for the motive that there was sometimes a greater need than just oneself and that sacrifices must be made in order to do it. Concluded in a stalemate each came out madder than when they walked in. Not wishing to end on a sour note Kalin went outside.
Gathering many around him Kalin began to make a spectacle of himself. Leading off into a story of a traveler he made use of his illusionary magic. Mesmerizing the crowd he called to Aine to join him. Taunting her with praises and pieces from her own tales he urged her to join. With the people cheering her on Aine made her way next to Kalin and began to sing a glorious song.
When at last the song had ended and the story finished the two took each other by the hand and bowed to the happy folks. Soon they began to chant Aine! Aine! Aine! Lifting her high onto their shoulders carrying her back to the tavern where she could get some peace from the erupting noise outside. Out the corner of her eye Aine could see Kalin standing outside almost turning his back until she could see him no more.
The weeks had come and gone and many had heard of the great songs that were sung from Aine and her humble tavern. Travelers came far and wide to request an audience with her on their own lands. They offered her many incentives to participate as was free room and travel expenses. The people needed hope and she was their inspiration.
Overwhelmed with sudden popularity she had received Aine began to look over each request choosing which ones would be best for her to attend without taking away from anyone else. She scanned each part sending replies back with their respective emissaries asking only one request. That she would do it only if she was able to bring along partners that would add more variety to the show.
So it was she looked for Kalin to assist her in many of her traveling experiences. With a smile he would agree to each and everyone. Sitting that he would be the best way to transport her as a dragon is very fast in the air as opposed to a horse or ship on the land and sea. Agreeing that he would also be the best protector she often flew with him and ahead she went setting up every arrangement letting him relax doing whatever it was that dragons did.
After a while the two were as inseparable like the sun to the day and the moon to the night. Each played their parts enriching those around them with a unique blend of poem and prose. After the readings they would go and talk about life and the beauty and stresses that it held. It was in these moments they treasured above all others.
If the days were too challenging Aine and Kalin would go find a place to relax their feet and dance the night away. With each twirl another stressor was released to the ground until finally they were once again in perfect harmony. Resting onto one another they would fall asleep and wake the next day surrounded by curious animals.
One night as Aine was fast asleep Kalin awoke to the sounds only he could hear. Voices in the winds called to him and to hearken as to what they had to say. Wishing not to disturb Aine he went off alone to transform himself and fly away suddenly. Looking over his shoulder he could see that she would be safe. Surrounding her were many guardian spirits who enjoyed the sweet sound of her voice.
The next morning Aine awoke to find Kalin nuzzled up on the ground covered in leaves. As she got up to make her way toward the Inn she called to Kalin waking him up from his deep rest. Stretching out in his human form he made a brief effort to fall back asleep. Smiling to herself Aine gestured that she would not wait and dashed off into the woods.
A few more nights pass and on the journey back to her tavern Kalin made a brief stop in the woods. Setting down gently he made his way to the spot he had seen her for the first time. Allowing her time to get off his back he looked hard to the ground in front of him. When she finally was in front of him she questioned him as to what was going on.
“I have to go away for awhile,” he said softly.
“Away? Away, going where?” She called back.
“In the woods I met some elders of my kind. They had told me that they were displeased with my conduct that I had been acting more human than dragon. It was also mentioned that the lord of the drakes demanded to see me for I had killed someone very close to him. Wishing not to start a war they asked me to return with them to a neither realm where I would be put on trial.” He said hastily.
“I have always looked at you as a sister. One whom I could share my darkest secrets and not be judged harshly. You maybe a human but your words, your song, and your life mean more to me than all the treasure in the world. These last few months have been a blessing to me with all the time I spent with you.” He continued.
Looking up at him she began to shed a tear. Her life was so small when compared to a dragons and she wondered how long it be before she would see him again. Taking her hand and pressing against his scales she moved over each one as if to remember every fine point and detail. She pressed her face as close as she could get it to his head and kissed him softly.
“Brother bard these few months have been the happiest my whole life. It was you that helped me continue when I was unable to move. It was you that saw me through some of the darkest times and let your light shine upon me. I cannot bear to never see you ever more….”
Putting her head down onto his neck Kalin lowered his head and nuzzled Aine closely. With his time drawing near he closed his eyes and began to concentrate. Pressing his eyelids shut he squeezed with all his might. As blood began to trickle down the side of his face he took his paw and scooped up the blood. Firmly he molded it until at last he had made a jewel the size of a tear drop.
Handing the tear drop to Aine he began to beat his wings as if readying himself for departure. With each movement higher in the air the more Aine held tightly. Finally when she was no longer able to hold on and fell to the ground Kalin began to turn himself around. As he did so he let out a deep rumble through the forest.
“Dear sweet sister as I depart this day, never fear for I am not far from you. Though physically I may not be here the tear connects us a symbol of our bond and our love. That should you ever wish to know I am still with thee just sing into the winds and I will hear your song. Live your life and don’t look back. Farewell my sister! Farewell!”
In a matter of moments he was gone. The winds carried him so high that Aine could barely make out the spec from a shiny star. As she looked to her and right she could feel a cold chill once again race down her spine. Feeling alone for the first time in a long time she gripped the tear tightly and headed back to the tavern.
Recalling the last of her memories she witnessed flashes of the years passing by. With each new season came many tales and adventures. Some pleasant like her marriage and birth of a son and watched him grow up and become a man. To the fall of cities and the evil ravishes of war. Still her confidence never yielded and she sang every day into the winds. Hoping and praying that by some small chance her brother bard could hear her song and rejoice in the fact that she was living a good life.
As she sang that day her voice rang higher than it had in ages. So long has it been since the flood of emotion ran to her. So long had it been since she heard him call her name. Weeping silently she turned away from the rising sun clutching her hand over the teardrop necklace. As her hand fell to the side a faint glow was seen illuminating from within it. As if responding to her words a dragon could be seen singing along with her.

                The End

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