Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Prince and the Dragon Princess

There was a king and queen of an ancient Elven kingdom. they had a son who was wise as he was handsom

The son was a dreamer, as well as a fighter
He would tell tales in Kitchens for the servants to hear, and he would battle with his Father's knights in hard combat training

There were balls held in his Court every 10 years for the kingdoms to meet each other and share good will

This year was the year the Prince was allowed to come to the Ball, not as a child, but as a man of 150 years, and soon to be heir of the Kingdom. He stood next to his mother most of the eve, uneasy in the presence of the fine ladies

Finally, The Queen pressed him tward a group of fine young lasses, in their finest elven gowns
He was quite unhappy with the situation, but he smiled nonetheless

The elven girls smiled back and made a fuss over the handsome young prince

very soon, he bid adieu to the ladies
and made his way tward the balconies

in the balcony that overlooked the ocean,
there stood a small, ivory clad young woman

When I say Ivory, I mean that she was not in complete silks and satins, but such tiny ivory scales that they seemed like cloth

The prince laid eyes upon her and fell in love at first sight

She only came up to his chest, her hair down to her back in a long braid.

Her hair was as black as ebony, and shone in the moonlight. Her skin was a transluscent alabaster, and her eyes as grey as slate

She turnd to look up at him and smiled as he stared at her with a hungry look

" Good Evening, My Lord Prince. May the blessings of the Gods fall upon you" she stated

" Hello... " He could only just say.

" My name is Alethelial. My father sent me to this ball in his stead, He is not well"
her face went soft and sad
" I am very sorry to hear that" he could feel the waves of grief roll off of her, he knew it was more than just an illness

He offered his hand to her, and she took it gently,

" Let us have you return to your father with the affirmation that you were accepted well... and that you actually had a good time. "

he smiled at her as he led her to the ball room
They danced until the sun was about to peek over the rim of the Ocean,

Her head rested on his chest and his arms wrapped around her protectively

His Mother and Father watched with very relieved smiles on their faces

The other girls were heartbroken, for the Prince was as Handsom as he was Wise...

He walked her to her carriage, where her guard and driver held the horses and the door.

" May I come visit you in your Kingdom, My Lady? " he asked her

She sat in the plush ebony cushions of the carriage, and looked at him

" No, not until I send for you "
she smiled sadly, then motioned for the carriage to go

the prince returned to his room... a heart full of desire and care for the petit Princess

He waited... weeks, months.... a year,

yet no news from the Princess or her Kingdom.
It was as if the dance were a dream
He asked his parents who she was, and they didn't know

They thought HE knew

He asked all the other Kingdoms who she was
They did not know

They never heard of a Princess with her name
He became Frantic, and took to the stables, where he chose the finest steed, and the best maps

As he was leaving the stables, leading a fine Racing Horse, a servant ran up to him
And handed him a scroll, bearing an insignia unknown to him or his servant

it was a rearing Griffon, all in Silver on a background of Sable

He broke the seal, and read the contents. There was a map and a letter:

" My dearest Prince, My father has passed away, and I have inherited his kingdom
We are in need of a King, for now my mother is failing as well

Please discuss this offer to your King and Queen, and also accept this Dowery....."
was all it said.

He looked up, and there, at the Castle Gate were 4 servants dressed in white, leading what appeared to be Very large horses in full battle Barding

He went tward them, but they were not in barding, but what looked like Ivory Plates grew from their bodies, wrapping around their legs, chests, backs... articulated over their necks

and horns of ivory grew from their heads and They had Cainine teeth that also protruded from their mouths that, if used in battle would severly render any opponent dead

He raced to the Castle Court, and approached his Father with the news

" Then you must go, With our Blessing, and our own gift, My son. " his father stated
" Yes, Son, I will also send along a gift... " his mother said

The Prince was relieved, yet very saddened that he had to leave his home

They traveled for a week, and were stopped at the foot of a very tall mountain.

At the base of the mountain was a long Pathway that led up

The caravan started the steep climb up the mountain

The horses were hard pressed, and the caravan leader was unhappy about the stresses they were taken

The prince called a halt to the caravan

The caravan stopped at a good place to rest, but the Prince took a single horse to continue his journey with a small parcel of gifts

He continued up and up and up....... through the clouds that enshrouded the tops of the mountain

He came to a pair of Great Gates, Even larger than his own Keep's, so large a dozon men could walk through shoulder to shoulder

The gates stood over 40 meters tall, and were built of what seemed to be the same Ivory that encased the horses

They were laced with bands of a black metal that shown in the mountain sunshine, and at the base stood a herald

The prince dismounted his exhausted horse, and bowed to the Herald. The herald was silent
The gate opened wide, and inside were many people, all in very fine clothing, but that was not what he noticed.......

Sitting upon tall spires were Dragons... White, Gold, Red, Black, Amethyst.... all colors of the rainbow.......

amung the people were many of the horses, encased in ivory, pulling carts, being ridden, or walking around freely

a voice came to his mind,

"Welcome home, My King. I have been waiting for you to arrive...."

He found himself no longer in their streets, but in a Grand Courtyard, with many Drangons on pedistals

at the front sat the young maiden, in a tall backed chair made of ivory, and next to her was a tall backed chair made of Jet

He found himself walking tward the Maiden, holding out the what now seemed to be gaudy gems in a second rate silk bag

She stood and accepted it gracefully, and handed it to a servant

She looked up into his eyes, and he could not help but go to one knee, holding her hands in his

She threw her arms around his neck and lavashed him with kisses, tears streaming from her eyes....

" I have been in pain, my King..... I longed to be in your arms again! "

" Feel no more pain my Queen, " he said softly
I shall never leave you of my own free will

when he looked into her eyes, he was lost, drowning in her beauty

and when she looked into his, she fealt strength and love....

They wed on the Solstace of winter, he in the deepest black, and she in her true form.... a grand silver Dragon

They lived for many centuries, and bore many children....

The realm was filled with those who were proud to bear the title Half-Dragon

My tale of the Prince and Princess is over, but thier lives hold many tales unto themselves

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