Tuesday, October 5, 2010


There was once a young maiden fair, daughter of a simple Goat Hearder.

She was fair of skin, and had raven dark hair... Her eyes were the deepest blue and many a young man came to woo her hand.

Her father was very proud of her prudence and chastity, and her mother was happy that she was certain to gain a husband who would work hard and give her a good life.

he hoped.

Then one dark evening a knock came at the door, and the young lady, by the name of Mary, answered the door.

When she opened it, she saw one of the young men she had admired above all of the others standing many feet from the door.....He beconed to her.

She waved him away because it was dark outside, "No, Thomas! go home, we are eating dinner" she shushed.

Thomas only smiled and nodded....
Mary closed the door, and returned to the table where the dinner was served.

She was eating when another knock came to the door.

Her father stood to get the door, when the knocking stopped.

When he got to the door, there was noone there. The father shook his head, smiled, "Children these days." he said.

He went back to dinner, and the knock came to the door again. This time the mother stood, and went to the door...

There was noone at the door when she opened it, but she felt a cold shiver pass over her face
In the distance thunder rumbled, and the smell of rain came over the wind.

She went back inside to finish the dinner, and as soon as she sat, there was another rap at the door.

Mary stood, "I will get him away to his home, father, mother... Thomas is quite persistant"

Mary opened the door, and there was thomas standing far from the door, beckoning to Mary
She stepped out quickly toward him, and he backed farther away from the house.

Mary ran up to him, smiling, for she preferred him over all others.

He said nothing, but took her hand and led her to the woods, which were lit up by the lighting that was starting to lace the skys.

"Thomas, 'tis dangerous here! we shall be struck!" she said in fear.

He said nothing but kissed her gently on the lips. This kiss was differant, she was entranced and held by it as if caught by magic.

The rain started to fall, and the thunder rolled, and the two fell to the soft ground, love overcoming them both.

In the morning, the sun shone brightly,

and the dew drops glittered from the leaves and grass.

Mary's father and mother went out looking for their daughter, and saw footsteps leading into the woods.

They followed the footsteps to a small revine,
where the cold body of their daughter lay in the arms of the body of Thomas, who appeared to have fallen from the cliff and hit his head
Mary's mother wailed and wept, her father broke down, falling to his knees beside his daughter, cradling her head in his arms.

They heard a slight noise and fealt a breeze, and when they looked up,

There stood Mary and Thomas, under the branches of a Weeping Willow tree,

transparent, but looking into each other's eyes with love.

They turned from her parents and walked into the forest, never to be seen again.

Thus ends my ghost tale of hope of love eternal.

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