Tuesday, October 5, 2010


To BED all ye children!

Came the call from the top of the house
The master is calling his children home for the night

with a flurry of wings come the Ravens

They land on the windowsills of the great building, and caw in their protest of sleep

to bed, my younglings, for there is work to be done!

comes the voice from the stairs

and the Ravens perch upon their wooden nests
The sun sets in the west and the fires below send smoke up the chimnea

to heat their hallowed beds

The stars come out, twinkling in the empty sky as the crescent moon is covered by a whisp of a cloud

The howls of the beasts in the woods stir not a feather on the Ravens of the House

Nor do they move when clouds come overhead

They sleep peacefully in the night, their master in his chambers in the house below

In the morning, the grass and leaves of the trees are covered in dew, and the Ravens
awake, and stretch their wings
ALL aflutter are their wings!! they hop from perches to the windows, their song a cacophany to the ears of the people below

the Ravens are awake

They fly out over the countryside.......

THE Ravens fly out and over the hills and over the water that gleams in the morning sun

The wind beneath their wings blows their feathers smooth, and their bright eyes shine with the anticipation of another day

Each Raven to their post, each Raven to call out the sun and stars

Each Raven to a house or home and to gather the wisdom within

Each Raven to a battlefield littered with the dead, and each will watch the carnage below,

they will gather this knowledge and give it to their master.. in his chambers in his house

The Ravens call to each other, their voices heard above all else.

And when the day is done, and the setting sun turns the sea a blood red and gold, the Ravens Return home again....

Return to their master and their bed.

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