Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Taunt of Hayz - First Demon War of Everwind

Upon the Dias I stood, watching the Dread Demon as he resided within Hayz. He hovered and skulked around the Shrine of Illustree, tempting those within to come to his side, to fall to  his blade.

One was the Fae Satyr Dyisi. She was about to step out of the protection of the sanctuary when I could stand by no longer. I whisked past Hayz and into the Shrine, taking hold of the young Satyr's shoulder and begging her not to go out into the land, for it would be a sacrifice for naught.

I spake to her in hushed tones, keeping her mind away from the Demon and his hollow promises. She slowely came to from her enchantment of his words, and stepped away from the doorway. Others within the Shrine took her from the opening, and I stood there, looking the Demon in the face.

"Are you going to take her place then?" He asked. I was nonplussed.

Chandi spoke from behind me, "blashephemous demon, how dare you defile the temple of Illustree!"

Hayz backed away slowely, ' Your temple means NOTHING to me! I will Raze it stone by stone!"

Chandi shot back, ' Then why do you back away? Do you fear the power of my Goddess?'

I stared out at the demon, and replied, ' For he cannot enter, 'tis too pure in this hallowed shrine. '

His eyes smoldered as if they were white-hot coals, ' My power Grows!"

Scooter said softly, ' His power weakens. Do not believe his bluffs. It only comes to him if ye allow it.'

The demon thundered, ' My power grows with every life I TAKE!"

I glared at him, my wings spreading, ' You DIE with every breath, and ye will take no more lives, today or any other!"

He took a step closer, eyes aglow, ' You know NOTHING Storyteller! Soon you ALL will join the Windhar...." he cut off, not allowing the word to form completely.

I looked at him with contempt, ' I know much about demons.... '

" You will all lay your souls bare to ME!" he shouted taking another step closer.

I sneered, ' Not even the tramp in the cathouse will lay bare to you, pitiful demon. The Oni I know of make ye look as if ye were a child. '

He ran tward the shrine, an unearthly howl spewed forth from his lips, only to bounce back from its glowing power.

"Ye are weak and small, and nothing at all!" I sang out at him.

"I shall find you again, storyteller, You will pay for your taunts!" He howled.

Chandi shouted, ' Curse you demon, get out! get out! get out! '

" You Shall Serve ME In the Spirit-World, telling stories to unborn babes....." He cried out.

Scooter spoke with a grin upon his face, ' In fact, with all of the forms I have seen him take, if the entire land envisioned him as a a small, cute, harmless pink bunny.....'

" While you ROAST in HELL FIRE!" Hayz declared his hatred to me.

I taunted him with the assistance of those within the Shrine, until he could bear it no more....

" I have much patience, you all will come out of your hole sometime...' He growled.

I laughed, ' You do not know the patience of the dragons, then do you?'

He howled again, louder and longer, and unleashed a flood of arcane energy at the Shrine.

The power of the blast was such that it penetrated the will of the Goddess Illustree, damaging all within. I could not bear this, and I ran out into the night, to lure him from the Shrine....which worked TOO well.

He soon caught up to me, and with such anger and vengeance, tore my head from its shoulders, and stabbed at my body repeatedly. He held my head high and laughed in delight, looking into my dead eyes.

He carried my head away as I watched on, a spirit in the realm.

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